Friday, October 17, 2014

How time flies!

Well, it has definitely been too long since this blog has been updated! Things have been busy. Graduated a few weeks ago and have been working QA at 2k Vegas for the past few months. I have been so buy I haven't been able to find too much time to practice game design skills. That was until going on vacation for a week! I have started a practice project called "Protobike". It is a simple obstacle avoidance game. The draw is the random instantiation and simple pathing of obstacles. Here is the current status of the game.

What's working currently-

1. Obstacle instantiation and recognition of position.
     - The obstacles are spawned in the furthermost section out of 4. Once spawned they measure which lane they are closest to and then identify as that lane. From there every set amount of time they start to move towards the same lane in a closer section. The game knows what to spawn and where by utilizing a system of arrays. A dynamic array that represents the upcoming wave of obstacles and then a master level array.

2. Bike movement on ground and air.
     - The bike lerps towards a player point corresponded by the current lane number. When hitting a ramp the point will move up (really the focus changes depending on spot before elevating 0 goes to 7 1 to 6 etc.).

With this framework i should be able to get some levels relatively quickly. Simple arrays and tweaking obstacle properties through prefabs.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Capstone Update 1

Hello all!

I've been very busy lately and I apologize for not posting in awhile. I would actually like to show off the current state of my Capstone Project game called "Arx Turris". The linked video is showing the current prototype. We are mainly testing out various camera effects and we have a tower swapping mechanic working as well as the start of the Mecanim controller for our main character. The game is a vertical runner with fast paced gameplay. More updates will come as we get them done.

Also this video and the game it is of are the creation of myself (Nathan Craig), and my fellow classmates. This post also serves to document and prove that it is our game.


Direct Video:

Monday, February 17, 2014

Portfolio Site up (but not finished)

So I figured that it would be foolish to not have my website up until it's "Perfect" I realize that the site will constantly be changing and growing. Also I'm a student right now so while yes I want to focus on the site and polish it to make it really presentable I realize that if I keep waiting then it will take way to long for my site to get some time to breathe. Therefore I have decided to publish my current Wix site. Take a look if you would like and realize it is going to be updated and made much much better. Thanks!

P.S. On a side note i would just like to say that this blog will become alot more active as i plan to use it as a Dev blog for my capstone project Arx Turris. Me and my group of 5 will be making our final game as students of IADT Las Vegas. It is both exciting and terrifying, but I know one thing for sure. I can't to see what we end up with!

Friday, January 31, 2014

I also thought I would link you guys up with GGJ2014!! It was my second year and it was a blast. It was kinda of hectic working with around 10 people and we had some hiccups in the middle but in the end we got something you could play. Check it out

Thursday, January 30, 2014

As practice for making the altered best video (and to get reacquainted with Premiere) I made an almost mini demo reel for one of the first games I made at my school called Space Ace. Check it out! I will be doing a similar video for each game I'm going to display on my portfolio.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Working on the Block Minion for our reimagining of Altered Beast . Getting Mecanim transitions working perfeclty with code (especially timing) is proving tricky but it's almost done. Video soon!