Monday, February 17, 2014

Portfolio Site up (but not finished)

So I figured that it would be foolish to not have my website up until it's "Perfect" I realize that the site will constantly be changing and growing. Also I'm a student right now so while yes I want to focus on the site and polish it to make it really presentable I realize that if I keep waiting then it will take way to long for my site to get some time to breathe. Therefore I have decided to publish my current Wix site. Take a look if you would like and realize it is going to be updated and made much much better. Thanks!

P.S. On a side note i would just like to say that this blog will become alot more active as i plan to use it as a Dev blog for my capstone project Arx Turris. Me and my group of 5 will be making our final game as students of IADT Las Vegas. It is both exciting and terrifying, but I know one thing for sure. I can't to see what we end up with!

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